2nd February 2015

Domesticizing Financial Economies, Part 2


A call for papers for a mini-conference to take place at SASE 2015 at the London School of Economics from the 2nd to the 4th July 2015. NEW deadline for abstracts: 9th February.

Domesticizing Financial Economies, Part 2

Domesticizing Financial Economies, Part 2 will pursue the discussions started in at the 2014 annual SASE meeting at what has now become Domesticizing Financial Economies, Part 1. We invite papers that look at specific situations of monetary transaction, credit and domestic money management. Our starting point is that the use of even the most sophisticated financial products can be understood in the light of a close empirical description of their contexts of social ties and obligations, ways of calculating, devices and informational infrastructures. The highly specific and often domestic ways that monies circulate about come to matter greatly, including but not limited to the production and reproduction of inequalities and asymmetries of power. Rather than (or as well as) seeking to understand how financial economies are “economized”, to draw on a term used by Koray Çalışkan and Michel Callon, we are thus interested in work that explores how monetary transactions are woven into the fabric of the everyday and come to be “domesticized”.

Papers with varied disciplinary backgrounds discussing the following issues are welcome:

  • The intimate dimensions of monetary and financial transactions, whether in the moment of exchange itself, or before and after
  • Social inequalities rooted in and/or created by the intersection between financial products and the everyday
  • The ways in which household finances become entangled with and affected by a range of socio-technical devices
  • Emerging financial products and services (e.g. payday loans, credit score management services, department store credit cards, pawn shops and new ways of banking) targeting domestic finance that are re-shaping the financial ecologies faced by consumers
  • New transactional technologies and infrastructures (e.g. algorithms, databases, payment cards) and their new ways of sorting, screening and valuing financial consumers
  • Domestic financial products and their entanglement with “high” finance and broader economic chains
  • Controversies, matters of concern, new affected groups, publics and commercial circuits being co-produced with contemporary domestic financial landscapes

Organizers: Joe Deville, Jeanne Lazarus, Mariana Luzzi, and José Ossandón

Submissions to the SASE conference must be made through one of the mini-conferences (or through a research network). Paper and session abstracts as well as full papers for grant, prize, and stipend applications must be submitted to all networks by February 9, 2015. Candidates will be notified by February 23, 2015. Please note that mini-conferences require an extended (~1,000 word) abstract, and ask that you submit a full paper by June 1st. For further information on this mini-conference, please contact j.deville@gold.ac.uk

Mini-conferences are based around a selected number of focused themes, and have open submissions for panels and papers, based on an extended abstract (approx. 1000 words). Each mini-conference will consist of 3 to 6 panels. Each panel will have a discussant, meaning that selected participants must submit a completed paper by June 1st. In the event that a Mini-Conference proposal fails to attract sufficient participants to make three viable sessions, the conference organizers reserve the right to move any sessions which are organized into an appropriate Network. If a paper proposal cannot be accommodated within a mini-conference, organizers will forward it to the program committee, who will pass it on to one of the networks as a regular submission.

Further details about the submission process here: https://sase.org/about-sase/conference-submission-and-award-guidelines_fr_25.html

(Note: you must log in to the SASE website to access the submission system).