29th October 2012

The Politics and Practices of Food Governance

We invite you to join a seminar series on The Politics and Practices of Food Governance organised by the Oxford Food Governance Group and hosted at Green Templeton College, University of Oxford, in October and November 2012 to explore the contemporary politics of food production, marketing and consumption.

The series will examine the multiple ways in which food is governed today and its implications for health, the environment and business. The series will pay particular attention to the role that non-governmental actors and citizen-consumers play in contemporary forms of local and global food governance. Based on seven invited talks, the series will address the question of whether food consumption can be considered an ‘invisible’ form of public and political engagement and asks what the potential limits of such an engagement are.

The OFG seminar series will provide scope for interdisciplinary engagement with research communities interested in food governance, within and beyond Oxford. The seminar series will serve as a seedbed for the development of a new network for information exchange and collaboration, ensuring the inclusion of multidisciplinary voices in the project’s network of stakeholders.

The Politics and Practices of Food Governance

Seminar Series – Michaelmas Term 2012
Barclay Room, Green Templeton College

1 November – Thursday, Week 4 – 4.30-6pm at Said Business School
Professor Annemarie Mol, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Where is the eating body? On situating beyond anatomy

7 November – Wednesday, Week 5 – 11.30am-1pm
Dr David Barling, City University London, UK
Sustainability and governance of the food supply

14 November – Wednesday, Week 6 – 11.30am-1pm
Professor Julie Guthman, University of California, Santa Cruz, USA
Fat places? Re-thinking the obesogenic environment thesis and the implications for food governance

15 November – Thursday, Week 6 – 11.30am-1pm
Christel Schaldemose, Committee on Internal Markets and Consumer Protection, European Parliament, Belgium
Legislating for healthy food in a single European market

21 November – Wednesday, Week 7 – 11.30am-1pm
Dr Richard Milne, University of Sheffield, UK
Date labelling and the governance of food quality and safety

28 November – Wednesday, Week 8 – 11.30am-1pm
Dr Michael Guggenheim (TBC), Goldsmiths, University of London, UK
Experiments in sociological food governance

Please download and share the full programme.