19th February 2012

Call for Papers: Retailing and Distribution History

5 and 6 September 2012, University of Wolverhampton, UK

The Centre for the History of Retailing and Distribution invites conference proposals that explore retailing and / or distribution from a  historical perspective. Papers focusing on all historical periods or geographical areas and based on any methodological and disciplinary perspective are welcome. Themes of interest include – but are NOT limited to:

* Commercial cultures; retailing and distribution in popular culture and the media
* Innovation and change / stagnation and failure
* Credit, finance and the economics of retailing and distribution
* Large-scale retailing -super, hyper, monster…
* Crime and illegal practices
* Politics, the state and individual enterprise; ethics and fairness
* Markets, informal exchanges, penny capitalism
* Retailing and distribution in hard times
* Advertising, marketing and sales strategies
* Retailing and distribution work, from ‘management’ to the shop floor
* Distribution networks, business links

Deadline 4 May 2012. More info here.